Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Stanger was Suspicious
By: Alexandra Strychacz
It was three o’clock in the afternoon and she was late! We were in a small dimly lit office that reminded me of the dentist! The smell of the of the office made me shiver. It smelled like a coffen. I wasn’t worried nor was I happy. All I wanted was to be back with my mom. But that wasn’t happening. I was with two of my sisters, Amanda and Angie waiting to meet a Foster Parent that wanted to take us. I hated the sound of another family wanting to try acting like my mom. I looked at the clock again, it was 3:10pm! She was late. I got a little excited because I hoped she forgot and wasn’t coming. My Social worker told me her name was Linda. The name creeped me out! I looked out at the parking lot and saw an old jeep drive up and park. I heard the engine turn off. As this older women walked in I noticed her gray hair and her wrinkles. She looked straight at me and said “Hi I’m Linda”. As she said that, I noticed something awfully cold about her. I was suddenly scared of her. This creepy stranger wanted to take us to her home! She held out her arms to hug me but I backed up and held onto Amanda. I started crying saying she looks mean! I was only 8 years old and that’s probably why Amanda and Angie didn’t listen to me. I could sense the evil part about that women! Her eyes hid something. Amanda and Angie kept saying it was alright and that we needed a home.
Amanda and Angie walked ahead to Linda’s car and I started to catch up to them when Linda grabbed my shoulder with her hand really hard. I tried shoving her off but her grip was too strong! I wondered why she wouldn’t let me walk with my sisters! I wanted to cry but I was too afraid. I suddenly smelled an awful and strong smell. It was the smell of her blue sweater. It smelled like she never washed her clothes before; it smelled very smoky. I looked away trying to smell something better but her smell seemed to be covering me! I started tasting the smoky air and made me feel sick inside. She whispered in my ear that we’d get along and that scared me. I knew I wouldn’t.
Two days later Amanda and Angie agreed with me that the stranger, Linda, put on an act and pretended to be a really sweet woman when she was the most evil person we’ve ever met! Her hands were the worst part about that crazy women! She’s a stranger that didn’t fool me on bit!

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